Friendly Tiger Of Rajasthan
Besides hunting in broad daylight as well as at night. Some other unique aspects of tiger behaviour have been observed and photographed. Once for instance a magnificent large male hunted openly from the thickets on the edge of the lakes and ran down its sambhar pray in the water A tigress too indulged in similar behaviour There have been instance when a tiger and crocodile from the lake have confronted each other. On one memorable occasion a tiger battled with a crocodile over a sambhar carcass and finally took possession of it in board day light after a long fight.
It was generally believed that tiger are solitary creatures and only the mother take care of their cubs so long as these are unable to care for themselves and tigresses with cubs were seen only rarely here to go their behaviour seems to have undergone a change In 1986 two Tiger family one with two cubs and another with three have been extremely trusting of human presence in jeeps and have observed for long stretches of time in jungle clearing in board daylight , even when the cubs were but a few weeks old . The family with three cubs includes a large male which seem to have chosen to live with the cubs without being aggressive.
Infect this male is also seen with another tigress in the same bakaula nala region from Time to time Because of such tiger activities, Ranthambore National Park is probably the best park in which to photograph them In Recent time it has become a centre of attraction for wildlife photographer from all over world. Sighting a tiger can never be a sure shot but here one comes as close to it as is possible
Tiger Tale